Zaszperałem w sieci i takie coś mi wpadło w oczy:
In the UK the "standard owls" are the Bengal & the European. The bengal is
definitely very difficult to enter to rabbits, but is easy enough to enter
to the other quarries (squirrel, moorhen (a small black water rail), and
pheasant, and many was the time we had to whip our and the other large white
ferret hob out of their ambit. Our first falconry birds were bengals & drove
us to distraction trying to get them reliably onto rabbits. I never got my
female going at them properly, although she took both squirrel & pheasant.
But she died after six months of gastro-enteritis. Shirley had her male
longer and he would fly them regularly, although at 26oz. he needed a two
footed grip to hold one. It was quite comical to watch the expression of
alarm on his face as he was inexorably dragged towards the brambles by the
large buck he had grabbed one footed by the rump, frantically trying to hold
onto the grass with his other foot, to anchor himself. The slightly smaller
African Spotted appears similar in capabilities & temperament.
Wedle powyższego w UK poluje się z puchaczem europejskim i bengalskim. Ten pierwszy to glownie kroliki, ten drugi ciezki jest do zrobienia na krolika ale ponoc wiewiorka, kurka wodna a nawet bażant jest w jego zasiegu. W bażanta to raczej nie wierzę (chyba ze jakieś wypióry) co do wiewiórki trudno mi się wypowiadać (u nich zdaje się ze na szarą można polować). Sowy tego typu raczej postrzegałem jako ptak do latania/ozdoba i pewnie ciężko się nie zgodzić ze to udziwnienie ale kto mówi ze poza samicą wedrownego nic innego nie działa

no wlaśnie czy ktoś zgłębiał temat choćby teoretycznie bo o praktyce to wiem ze jedna osoba próbuje:)